
Publishing brings ideas, knowledge, creation and stories to life.
We produce trusted information. We connect creators and audiences. We invest in people and ideas. And we underpin the global knowledge economy. We strives to be the leading brand of reliable source of information in the modern publishing industry.
Maayan publications is looking to create an equal opportunity for authors worldwide and rule out dictatorship, favoritism and prejudices that exist in the publishing world. We are the best destination for authors, readers, researchers, students, teachers, professionals, client publishers, and educationalists.
We are aiming at further reaching globally isolated regions of the world in order to bring the best authors from every corner of the world which talent would otherwise remain hidden.
The Future global pioneer in the era of Modern Publishing Services & Solutions.
Maayan Publications competes with the traditional publishers who are already household names and is poised to utilizing state-of-the-art technology to improve workflow, copyediting, and production of quality resources. As an international-based publisher, Maayan Publications is interested in partnerships and collaborations.

Maayan Publications produces high-quality paperback books, hardback books and eBooks in every genre, so if you wish to publish books, or just want advice on publishing, We can help you.
A Leading Scholarly Publisher
Maayan Publications is an international publishing company that publishes scholarly journals and books in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences).
Maayan journals are streamlined to specific subject areas to ensure easy indexing, accessibility, and discoverability of published contents.
Maayan Publications was founded on the principles and philosophies that are bent on the timely dissemination of scholarly information from research, critical thinking, reflection, and discussions. The editorial team and board members of Maayan Publications are located in around the world.
The largest independent academic publishers for open access publications.
Maayan Publications was founded on the principles and philosophies that are bent on the timely dissemination of scholarly information from research, critical thinking, reflection, and discussions. Maayan Publications provides the platform for scholarly publishing of content by renowned researchers from both developed and developing countries of the world.
Maayan journals is an ideal outlet for the publication of your significant research findings. Maayan’s Journals main goal is to increase the importance of science worldwide, to give all researchers equal opportunity to share ideas, develop their career and for their work to have impact around the world.

We are committed to informing researchers and educating students to build a thriving global society and make a difference in a rapidly changing world.