Advantages of our journals
Article Publications
- Standards of high-quality, rapid peer-review and production
- Fully automatic Review Process
- Notification of Review Result – Within 04-05 Weeks
- Submission to Publication of Paper – Within 01-02 Months
- Only high-quality papers are accepted.
- Reviewers from well-known Institutes/Universities/Organizations among the world
- Publication free from Plagiarism
Open Access
- Open Access Journal Database for high visibility and promotion of your article with keywords and abstract.
- Completely automated author support and guidance
- High-quality reader base involving eminent scientists, industry professionals and academicians
- Double-blind peer-reviewed process
- Easy and immediate Online access
- Fully automated and secure websites
- Direct-link to abstract
- Author can check the publication process status online
- Email notification to the author for each process stage
- Soft Copy of “Certificate” Available online lifetime
Provide hard copy of certificate on author’s request - High-quality professional copy editing and proofreading services
- Journal archiving facility
- Provide Best Paper Award
- Provide a Digital Object Identifier(DOI)
- Provide E-Certificate for published articles
- Indexing in leading abstracting and indexing websites and databases
- Meta-Level Programming to make your paper SEO effective
- Automated Citation Generator
- Enhances the visibility and presence of the author due to free dissemination and frequent citation
- Lifetime access to journal’s members
- Statistics of each article as no.of times it viewed and downloaded
- The author can search articles by name, title, or keywords
- Connects with professors and researchers
- Improves writing and research
Perfect choice to publishing!
We have everything for publishing your high-quality content!
Through our outstanding combination of personalities, methods, and industry-specific expertise, we perform perfect solutions to publishing. Our publications include printed (hardcover and softcover) and electronic books, journals, conference proceedings, handbooks, book chapters, higher and school education contents, encyclopedias, edited collections, series collections and others.